速報APP / 活動 / Odisha Rajneeti

Odisha Rajneeti





版本需求:Android 4.0.3 以上版本



聯絡地址:Plot Number- 746, saheed nagar, Bhubaneswar

Odisha Rajneeti(圖1)-速報App

Remember the great saying of a great man “Democracy is by the people for the people and of the people “ . Abraham linchon passed away but the golden era of democracy established its own confidence in the mind and the hearts of hundreds core of people .No one is born politician, situation and environment make a common people a great leader in society and for a smooth ruling and successful advancement political parties are generated. Different political parties having their unique own views and philosophy make agenda to role states and country. Elections from the root level to top are being managed by the system under the umbrella of Indian constitution mobilized by elected government and democracy goes on successfully. One vote is more than 100 cores of rupees. Win and defeat depends on the right and choice of common people. Power of people is the strength of democracy but sometimes some elected leaders forget the truth and practice the habit of false as emperors done in ancient time. Democracy of India gives only 5 years not 5 generations. If the leader working for the people, people worship him falling which the people reject and forget forever.

Odisha Rajneeti(圖2)-速報App